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Succulent Plant


Succulent plants, otherwise called succulents, are plants that have a few sections that are more than regularly thickened and plump, normally to hold water in dry atmospheres or soil conditions. “Succulent” originates from the Latin word sucus, which means juice, or sap.


Succulent plants, otherwise called succulents, are plants that have a few sections that are more than regularly thickened and plump, normally to hold water in dry atmospheres or soil conditions. “Succulent” originates from the Latin word sucus, which means juice, or sap. Succulent plants may store water in different structures, for example, leaves and stems. A few definitions additionally incorporate roots, in this manner geophytes that survive negative periods by biting the dust back to underground stockpiling organs might be viewed as succulents. In plant utilize, the expression “succulent” is now and again utilized as a part of a way which rejects plants that botanists would see as succulents, for example, desert plants. Succulents are regularly developed as decorative plants due to their striking and surprising appearance.

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